Sunday, August 25, 2013

Quaintly Unpretentious Conversations 6: The Banana Soap

Elaine sent me some wonderful soaps and candles from Brazil at the end of last year, and the girls asked me if they could have some; so, I told them, "Yes, you can have one each."

Brianna stomped out of the bathroom soaking wet, dripping water all over the hardwood floors.  She leaned abruptly onto the evil black couch of endless laundry and in a huff with extreme discontent she said, "Mom, I'm out of my banana soap."

I looked at her and said, "Honey, just use the other soap."

She stared at me in disbelief raising her voice just a bit and said, "No!"

I replied a bit shocked, "Brianna what in the world do you expect me to do? Get on a plane and go to Brazil just to get you some banana soap?"

She looked at me very seriously and said, "Yes!"

She then turned to her right and marched directly back into my bathroom and slammed the door.

Now most people would think Brianna was being a bit bratty, but as soon as I heard the door slam shut I started laughing hysterically.

It’s quite obvious to me now, I gave birth to two little princesses that expect the best at all times; and honestly, to expect less in a person’s life is simply absurd unless of course that’s what a person truly wants. ;) © 

Karen L. Fleming

Originally written: 3:45 p.m. Est., 1.21.13

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