Monday, February 19, 2024


Typically. people of a higher consciousness tend to enjoy my poetry more, but imagine what we could accomplish using more than ten percent of our minds. 😉❤️

Among the chaos 
Patterns beg to be noticed 
Even in the passing dust
Adhering to crown molding
Trees have faces
While leaves leap 
Through the autumn air
And bugs are noticable fairies
We forget who we are
Among the hustle and bustle
Ancient beings 
That chose technology
Over magic
Perhaps this time around
We'll chose both
Romantically merging binary stars
Releasing quite empathetically
Our curiosity 
An infusion 
Of the 90 percent 
That was encoded so long ago
Growing as chaotic ivy and kudzu
That we have missed so much
While trying to transcend
Into heaven's great bounty❤️

Karen L. Fleming, 2023