Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Magical Spectrum

Take me where
The fireflies dance
And the meteors rain down
Bringing new star seeds
To Mother Earth

Bring me home
Where a dryad
Is always hiding
Within a Yule tree
Take me
To the mighty oak
Where the fairy folk
Live deep within
Aged roots of perfection
For no home is complete
Without their gentle touch

Let me dance
With James
The royal librarian
Under the spiral
Of an ancient bibliotheque
For he collects all my words
Keeping them safe
For future elf kin to read 

Let me adventure
Into different dimensions
Where comfort awaits
For it's too harsh here
Among the ruins
Of a developing civilization ©

Karen L. Fleming, The Magical Caldera

Microcosm of Poetry: 13

Half awake
I scribe poetry
Not even a drop 
Of coffee by my side
Cozy under
A heap of covers
I do lie ©

Karen L. Fleming