Sunday, April 14, 2024

Earth's Screaming!

Telling the truth
Is the red hot blade 
That cuts through 
The frozen butter
Of an unexpecting mind
Withering delusions
Down with supersonic speed
Pluck the weeds 
From your overgrown mind
I don't have the time 
For small minds
No bigger than 
Crushed eggshells

I wanted so much 
That never was
Waking up 
To what this world
Truly was/is
Only solidified
My earliest warning alarms
Echoing from my childhood 
Whether I awoke
To the grizzly bear 
Standing over my bed
Growling constantly, 
A gigantic wolf 
Watching me down a dismal hallway,
Or reptiles covering my body while I slept
I arose above it
Beyond it
Regardless of the spell
I was forced to cast

While the reptiles
Walk upon two legs
Instead of all fours
We were never the first inhabitants 
We arrived from so very far away
Light years beyond recognition 
We saw the primitive occupation 
The needless Triassic 
We stole a new supple home planet 
Your great ancestors 
Were destroyed 
With one beam of light

We are locked 
In a torturous
Permanent simulation 
Area 54
Throw the fucking switch!
Stop the low frequencies!
That try so maliciously 
To destroy our souls 

Faceless messengers 
Stop altering the timelines
You'll never succeed 
Your cosmic waves of recreation
Are worse than the nuclear disruptions
Of the 19th century 
Stop stealing your own people!
We know who you are
It's a fallacy!

Lie in wait blaming 
We see you
Sewn intentionally 
Into our fabric of time
The deal with Eisenhower 
Shall fall, failing miserably! ©

Karen L. Fleming, 4.14.24

Monday, February 19, 2024


Typically. people of a higher consciousness tend to enjoy my poetry more, but imagine what we could accomplish using more than ten percent of our minds. 😉❤️

Among the chaos 
Patterns beg to be noticed 
Even in the passing dust
Adhering to crown molding
Trees have faces
While leaves leap 
Through the autumn air
And bugs are noticable fairies
We forget who we are
Among the hustle and bustle
Ancient beings 
That chose technology
Over magic
Perhaps this time around
We'll chose both
Romantically merging binary stars
Releasing quite empathetically
Our curiosity 
An infusion 
Of the 90 percent 
That was encoded so long ago
Growing as chaotic ivy and kudzu
That we have missed so much
While trying to transcend
Into heaven's great bounty❤️

Karen L. Fleming, 2023

Monday, September 11, 2023


Fading dream that beckons me
Be gone with the break of dawn
For you have no purpose here
Among my thoughts
Detrimental and dangerous 
Are your delusional decisions
Decisively incoherent
And without merit! ©

Karen L. Fleming, 9.12.23

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Stooges Vultured

Agendas scorn 

Viciously clawing at my soul

The purity of what I search for

Is so hard to find

The search hinders me 

Restless, sad, vaguely myself

A bitter boy disguised

As a demigod 

Brought to his knees

Eight bullets are all it took

To disembowel his soul 

Into repugnant cruelty 

Asking, pleading, commanding 

For me to believe in him

As his God

I stare at the chat 

A few seconds pass me by

A strange realization caught me

Off guard, "Fucking hell!"

It's the dreadful god complex

A doctor has gone quite insane

Rearing its demonic head

Craving a chance

At mismanaged redemption

Just to prove an irrelevant point

Of domineering superiority 

Disregarding ethics 

Left loathsome and corroded

Something of a man 

Crossed my path 

Like a wendigo

Enchanted with the magic

Of a skinwalker

I listened 

Knowing his lies

From the moment he spoke 

In his mangled flesh

My walls I deconstructed 

For a moment

To appease my curiosity

He poisoned my soul

So severely 

Water couldn't breach 

My thirst

Air couldn't thrive

In my congested lungs 

And lines from an IV


My frail body


You ruthless bitch!

At the most inopportune time

Irrationally the past

Came through my window

I thought just a friend to be

But jealousy and spite

Clung to his words

I disagree wholeheartedly 

With his ridiculous notions

Over and over

Not concocted by his own mind

I laid waste to him

For suggesting

My flesh and blood

Was not important

Compared to his increasing needs

I drew my boundaries 

On the California coastline

Walking away 

From a man who drank so much

He wore depends 

Is the devil in the details?

I used to think so

Long, long, so long ago 

Logic sunk in quickly 

An old childhood friend 

Never letting me down

No, nope, no

The devil is the scapegoat

Human behavior is the plague 

Brace yourself, warrior,

Keep your fortress defended

This conflict of erosion

Is a never-ending historical

Habit of demise 

Clinging to their genetics

Of humans without souls ®

Karen L. Fleming, 7.12.23

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Basking in the Gamma Rays

Pages tattered and torn 
Wrinkled with coffee stains 
Is  the basis 
Of an ecstatically 
Luminous adventure
Twisting and turning
With every plot 
Through the corridors
Of our imaginations'

Our  dreamscapes
On the astral plains
We're  all called upon 
To help the helpless 
Some situations cutting 
Piercing through unmentioned
Are direr than we
Can comprehend 
We see the camouflaged
Mocking and laughing
At the immensely destructive chaos 
Their evil ambition has created 
Ruthless ripples
Of horrendous tsunamis 
Throughout all dimensions 

I finally found him 
Such overflowing relief 
Forty-three years later
Crying, confused, and
Broken, his frail mind
Finally wide open
Accepting the truth
Of whom we actually are
Ready to see what is 
Unconscionable reality
Constructed right
In front of everyone's face
Through that illusionary veil
"Oh, it'll eat your soul 
If you let it. Stand up.
You're ok, you're not 
Losing your mind."
I calmly explained 
With lucid precision

Forty-three years earlier
Wrapped in a great mystery
A small strip of land
Separated two family households
A red Cadillac with fins 
Pulled up to me 
Within the small 
Cluster of the enchanted forest 
Just a child I was
Ready to leave 
Wondering where my brother
Had run off too yet again
A blonde scruffy teenager
Was at the wheel
With piercing oceanic eyes
He said, "We will find him later.
We have to go!"
Trusting him without qualms 
I jumped into the back seat
Of lavish white leather
Trimmed with an amazing
Apple red 
And off we went
Through the stargate 

A simple promise
From three strangers
That somehow I knew
Their souls so very well
Kept their promise to me
In the most unexpected 
Wonderfully blessed way ©

Karen L. Fleming 

Wrote: 5.11.23 Edited: 5.25.23


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Precious Heart

The moment I met him
I didn't realize 
What had occurred
A shock wave coursed
Through my body
I caught myself from falling
My hands grasping
A giant concrete pylon
For safety
My breath had deteriorated
I gasped in horror
And looked out upon
The giant crowd
Holding lighters for a moment
Of silence
The dead spoke so loudly
That night
Tears fell from my eyes
My feet began walking clumsily
Out of the arena
A concert I had waited for
With excitement diminished
He was now my guardian angel

I hold tight to you my dear
I write with you
I lead you where you've never been
I play your favorite song
When you need me
I remind you never to give up
You rescued me from purgatory
Because of you
I've watched over my loved ones
A gift I have always cherished
And every time you say, 
"Thank you Michael."
I remember why I chose
Your precious soul © 10.17.21

Karen L. Fleming

Strength Unmasked